Exploring routines of leisure time mobility


  • Frank Beckenbach
  • Ramón Briegel
  • Gerd Scholl
  • Wilfried Konrad
  • Stefan Zundel




traffic, mobility behaviour, leisure,


In Germany about 20 percent of CO2-emissions are caused by traffic. A considerable amount of this effect on the environment has to be assigned to mobility behaviour in the field of leisure time activities. What are the conditions to achieve a change in this field?


Frank Beckenbach

Dr. Frank Beckenbach is economist and professor at the University of Kassel, Department of Economics. University of Kassel, Nora Platiel Str.4, 34109 Kassel, Germany. Phone: +49 0561 8043884, Email: beckenbach@wirtschaft.uni-kassel.de, Internet: http://www.ivwl.uni-kassel.de/beckenbach

Ramón Briegel

Dr. Ramón Briegel is mathematician and research fellow at the Center for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Kassel. University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel. Email: ramon.briegel@gmx.de

Gerd Scholl

Dr. Gerd Scholl is economist and head of IÖW’s research field "Ecological Consumption”. IÖW, Potsdamer Str. 105, 10785 Berlin. Phone: +49 30 88459420, Email: gerd.scholl@ioew.de, Internet: http://www.ioew.de

Wilfried Konrad

Dr. Wilfried Konrad is researcher at DIALOGIK non-profit institute for communication and cooperation research. DIALOGIK, Lerchenstr. 22, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Phone: +49 (0)711 3585 2165, Email: konrad@dialogik-expert.de, Internet: http://www.dialogik-expert.de

Stefan Zundel

Dr. Stefan Zundel is professor for environmental economics and energy economics at the University for applied Sciences Lausitz in Senftenberg. Hochschule Lausitz, Großenhainer Straße 57, 01968 Senftenberg, Germany. Phone: +49 3573 85441, Email: zundel@hs-lausitz.de





Beckenbach, F., Briegel, R., Scholl, G., Konrad, W., & Zundel, S. (2010). Exploring routines of leisure time mobility. Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.14512/oew.v25i2.690